"It is fairly obvious that Trendle’s Ohio is not Ohio at all, but Fairyland; colored with the blues of Chicory, the cream of Queen Anne’s Lace, the bright, honeyed sorcery of Marigold, all bunched together in Trendle’s gathering-skirt. Even Farmer Shaw believes in the Lady of the Ellwood," Edwina Peterson Cross, Poetry Editor, Welcome Home

Thank you Winnie for your support, it means a lot to me, having you here. And everyone else, Welcome! I would like to have an adventure, lets walk down a trail and see what magic we can find, want to? There may be portals between the hedgerows and the corn fields so keep a good eye open. Whichever path we take let's keep nature close by our side and our hearts tuned to the divine, shall we? I have a feeling it's going to be grand. I'll meet you here by the blue door.

Updates and Columns

Friday, April 09, 2004


by Trendle Elwood

Mix up the biscuits, then out to the brambles.

Streams spilling swirls of orange, red and purple,

Coal mine drainage,

Fires burning beneath towns where the snow never sticks.

Blackberries grow best around old coal dumps.

Where your bare feet turn black on the rocks.

And the black snakes go by undetected.

There are still dreams that gather on limbs and never flow on with the current.

Like old dead cows in the creek.

Fires burn beneath towns where the snow never sticks.

Streams spill strange colors like orange, red and purple.

Still, spring displays rejuvenation every May.

When the rains wash out the blockages in streams.

Mix up the biscuits then out to the brambles.

What goes around will come around again.

Simple men sometimes know more then,

Those with more cluttered brains.

The country bumpkin has what the city clock watcher, can only hope for.

Because he knows that Heaven is in June when,

Up in the morning, grab your pail from the shed.

Mix up the biscuits , then out to the brambles.

Blackberries grow best around old coal dumps.

Where your bare feet turn black on the rocks.

And the black snakes go by undetected.

Copyright © 2004, Trendle Elwood. All Rights Reserved.

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